Tag Archives: Honey

Honey Lavender Macaroons

Spring always gets me thinking of the lavender fields!

Honey Lavender Macaroons Gluten Free

I have to say that lavender is one of my favorite perennials and scents. Have you ever walked through a lavender field? I visit a lavender farm at least once a year, and the smell of the lavender is heady! It is also lovely in baking when used subtly to enhance other flavors like honey or lemon.

Here is a picture I snapped last Summer when I was visiting a lavender farm in Northern Michigan! Heady! This is where I get my culinary lavender, but you can also find it on Amazon.


Honey Lavender Macaroons Gluten, Dairy and Egg Free

Today I am making a cookie that is just lovely for Springtime, and it has local honey and culinary lavender in the recipe!

Honey Lavender Spring Macaroons

When using lavender for baking, choose culinary lavender. While almost all lavender can be used in cooking, culinary lavender is the sweetest.

Honey Lavender Macaroons Egg Free

Honey Lavender Macaroons

Preheat your oven to 325° Degrees F.


1 1/2 Cups of Finely Shredded Coconut (Unsweetened like this)

1/2 Cup of Coconut Butter (softened a few seconds in the microwave)

1/3 Cup of Honey

2 Tablespoons of Coconut Flour

2 Tablespoons of Gelatin

2 Tablespoons of Coconut Milk

1 Teaspoon of Culinary Lavender, Crushed (I used a mortar and pestle)

1/4 Teaspoon of Sea Salt

1/4 Teaspoon of Baking Soda

A pinch of Vanilla Bean Powder (or 1/4 teaspoon of Vanilla Extract if not making AIP)


With an electric hand held mixer, beat together the coconut butter and honey until creamy. Add the coconut milk and beat. Beat in the shredded coconut. Sift together the crushed lavender, coconut flour, gelatin, baking soda and salt. Beat into the macaroon dough until completely incorporated. The dough will be stiff.

With a tablespoon cookie scoop, scoop the macaroons and place them on a parchment lined baking sheet.

Bake in your preheated oven for 10 minutes, or until the tips of the coconut are turning a golden brown. Remove from the oven, and cool completely. Enjoy!

Makes 16

Honey Lavender Macaroons are so light and delicious for Spring! These are Gluten, Grain, Dairy and Egg Free and AIP Paleo!

*This post has affiliate links in it. I receive a very small commission if you purchase through my links. The small commission helps cover the cost of maintaining this blog. Thanks! 🙂



Perfectly Posh Chunk Bars, Why You’ll Love Them and a Little Eye Glimmer for Autumn!

There is a lot I love about these bars! These super awesome Naturally based bath bars are called Chunks, because they are so big, you may need both hands!!!  The Shea Butter is luxurious, they are made with high quality skin loving ingredients, are cruelty free, fun, all different, and affordable! The Gender Bender Chunk is a charcoal based bar. It helps the skin detoxify free radical pollution and promotes clearer skin on the body. It has a crisp, woodsy, amber, citrus fragrance, and All the bars are tallow free.

gender bender

One of my favorite bars is Field Better Soon. It has real lavender in it, oats and lavender essential oils. It is the perfect soothing bar for sensitive skin, full of skin loving lipids and toning lavender.

Field Better Soon

Milking It Chunk has rejuvenating goat’s milk for sensitive skin, honey and oats. The glycerin base creates a moisture locking barrier on the skin, which is perfect for dry skin and winter months. It also contains honey, and smells divine!

Milking It

The You Could Use a Hug Chunk has Cat’s Claw in it for a gentle, natural exfoliation. It’s very gentle and feels good! I’ve been really loving the sensation in the shower, and it gets the old skin cells off and allows your moisturizer to penetrate that much better! It also contains Vitamin E rich cotton extract, and is Vegan.

You Could Use a Hug

Also two liquid shimmer eye shadows were just added! I just purchased the new Be So Gold Liquid Gold Shimmer Eye Shadow that was launched this month. I am wearing it below in a daytime subtle look. It can be applied over other eye shadow or on it’s own. It adds a beautiful shimmer that is perfect for Fall and the Holidays! To create a glamorous  eye, apply it over a smoky eye shadow! The other color available is silver glimmer called Silver Screen.

glare demo on me

If you shop with me this month, check out under my lip drawing for a chance to win a Free Latin Love Lip Balm! My consultant name at Perfectly Posh where you can find all these products is listed as Sandra Shields link here.  I can help you pick the best products for you, just shoot me a note below!

As always, thank you for choosing to me as your safer personal care consultant. I’m  happy to answer any questions you have and look forward to sharing more with you!

what is perfectly posh graphic

Simple Peach Ice Cream (Dairy Free)

Peaches are in season now, and juicy ripe peaches are so good in ice cream! My children have been gobbling up all the peaches as I buy them at the organic market, but I was able to snatch a couple to make this ice cream recipe before they were gone. Peaches are very similar to tomatoes in that when they are ripe, and in season, they taste like a different food entirely. Do you know what I mean?

So, today I have a very simple and delicious seasonal ice cream recipe to share that is Dairy Free!

simple peach ice cream 7


You will need an ice cream freezer. I used a Cuisinart.


Two Ripe and Juicy Organic Peaches, Peeled and Pit Removed

1 Can of Full Fat Coconut Milk

6 Tablespoons of Good Honey

2 Tablespoons of Fresh Squeezed Lemon Juice

2 Teaspoons of Pure Vanilla Extract

1/4 Teaspoon of Ground Cinnamon

Simple Peach Ice Cream Recipe

Directions: Here is where an immersion blender comes in handy, but you can also use a regular blender and get the same results, just more clean up! Place all the ingredients into a 4 cup glass measuring cup, and blend with an immersion blender until smooth. Alternately, place in a blender and blend until smooth.

Refrigerate for four hours to chill thoroughly. Freeze in your ice cream maker.


Simple Peach Ice Cream

Sandra Shields, Health Coach

Eat Your Nutrients!

Eat Your Nutrients!

Are You Authentic?…plus a Honeyed Latte Recipe

Are you your most authentic self? If not what is a step you could take to change that? Has there been a time when you recognized you weren’t being your authentic self and wished to be someone else? What did you do? How did it make you feel? What about times when you were completely authentic?

Honeyed Latte

Honeyed Latte with Cinnamon

This is a really important subject for your health and happiness! If you feel like you can’t be yourself except when you are alone, you are not being true to yourself. Everyone on the planet has special gifts and a cellular makeup that makes you like no other person! When you are comfortable, confident and happy with yourself, it shines through you, and draws others to you. You are able to fulfill your purpose so much better! You are a gift to the world, so live your life being you!

Here is a special latte recipe just for you to enjoy!

Honeyed Latte with Cinnamon


1/2 Cup Espresso (or strong coffee if you don’t have an espresso machine)

1/2 Cup Full Fat Coconut Milk (or try Toasted Hazelnut Vanilla Nut Milk here)

1 Tablespoon of Honey (clear if eating SCD/Low FodMap)

1/4 Teaspoon Pure Vanilla Extract

1/8 Teaspoon Cinnamon


Pour your Milk, Honey, Vanilla and Cinnamon in a frothing pitcher. Steam until hot and frothy. Then, prepare your espresso (or strong coffee). If you are using coffee you can heat your milk to desired temperature and whisk vigorously to create a creamy froth.

Honeyed Latte with Cinnamon

Honeyed Latte with Cinnamon

Pour the coffee and sweetened, flavored milk together into your very favorite mug. Sit and enjoy and savor the moment and your uniqueness!

Eat Your Nutrients!

Eat Your Nutrients!

Want more tips or need a Health Coach? Check out my new Health Coaching Website here!