Monthly Archives: August 2018

How Do I Increase My Enthusiasm and Creativity?

Enthusiasm and Creativity

If your creativity is at an all time low and you find all you are doing is going from one task, chore, item on your to do list to another……you know, going through the motions, because your day is all mapped out for you? Or, if you spend every spare moment of your day scrolling through social media, maybe you need a little boredom in your life!

The happiest times in people’s lives are when they have plans, dreams and are inspired! You don’t have time to think about these things when your day is jam packed and you fill every spare moment you have by grabbing your phone. I’m talking about when you are waiting in line, waiting to be called for an appointment, eating, walking, you know any spare moment? It isn’t refreshing, and it can be exhausting and draining to fill your brain with what other people are posting. That’s because our minds need time to do nothing! This actually frees up space to plan, dream and create. You should have at least one dream right now or goal you want to achieve. At all times, you should have one dream for your future.

creativity and inspiration

If you want to increase your creativity, you need head space for that. I know when I land on a new creative idea it gives me a huge surge of enthusiasm, energy and joy, and I can’t wait to get started! My most creative times are when I have had some free time, without an agenda, to get rid of mental clutter. Be deliberate about having time inside your own head.

When you are so busy all day every day, and you don’t have time to sit with your thoughts, your mind is like a fragmented computer. Distractions are the antithesis of creativity. If you can think back to a time when you were on fire with ideas, plans and enthusiasm, you can be sure you had time to just be. Working out, walking, or going for a jog without distractions is also a good way to boost creativity according to a recent study in the journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.

If you take the time to surround yourself with a little quiet time, whether you are moving your body or sitting still, you will increase your enthusiasm and creativity, and this will increase your level of happiness. We were meant to create.

How do you increase your enthusiasm and creativity?

Fresh Peach Salsa

This Salsa is light and refreshing, and no cook! I have been taking advantage of the bounty of fresh peaches to make this delightful salsa. It has the zip of red onion, the tartness of pineapple and lime, the juiciness of peaches (so, so good when in season), and the bite of some black pepper!

Fresh Peach Salsa So Fresh and Easy

This comes together in under ten minutes. What’s better than a fresh fruit salsa with no additives or preservatives. The color is gorgeous too!

Fresh Peach Salsa - Nightshade Free

If you are in the cilantro haters camp, substitute fresh parsley. I happen to love it, and it adds a nice salsa flavor, but parsley is good too.

Mixing Fresh Peach Salsa

Fresh Peach Salsa


1/2 Cup Fresh Pineapple, Diced

1 Fresh, Ripe Peach, Diced

1/4 Cup of Red Onion, Minced

2 Tablespoons of Fresh Cilantro, Chopped

1 Tablespoon of Fresh Lime Juice

2 Teaspoons of Runny Honey

1/4 Teaspoon of Sea Salt

1/8 Teaspoon of Black Pepper (Omit for AIP)


Add the prepared pineapple, peach, onion and cilantro to a bowl. Whisk together the lime juice, honey, salt and pepper if using. Pour it over the salsa mixture and toss. Refrigerate until ready to serve.

Fresh Peach Salsa Nightshade Free

Superfood Cinnamon Goji Berry Muffins

Superfood Cinnamon Goji Muffins Gluten Free

How’s your August so far? The Summer is flying by, and I have been trying to soak up every minute of it by getting outside as much as possible. I have been taking these Superfood muffins with me! The Goji berries and cinnamon gives them a delicious earthy, whole grain flavor.

Superfood Cinnamon Goji Berry Muffins

My daughter, who is going to be a Senior this year, has her first job over the Summer at a very busy ice cream shop, and we are getting ready for Senior Portraits this month. It’s true, they grow up too fast. It’s been an adjustment for her younger sister, who is the baby of the family, but we have been enjoying Mother/Daughter one on one time.

What’s been your favorite thing so far about this Summer? I hope you are living with an attitude of abundance. There is always something that is good, and having a good attitude can completely change your outlook. Being happy and bright is a habit that can be cultivated until it just comes naturally, just as negative thoughts and attitudes are. Our bodies and health respond to our attitude, moods and beliefs. So, take time every day to do something you love, and also embrace your have to do’s. It really doesn’t serve us at all to moan and groan about having to clean, go to work, grocery shop, etc. Doing it with a good, can do attitude makes life so much better! Cultivate happiness.

So, here is this amazing muffin recipe that promotes health and tastes delicious!

Superfood Cinnamon Goji Berry Muffins

Soak your dried goji berries in water overnight in the refrigerator, or for two hours at room temperature making sure the berries are completely covered with water.


1 1/2 Cups of Diced Zucchini

3 Eggs

1/2 Cup of Coconut Flour

1/2 Cup of Soaked Goji Berries (Like these), soaked and drained

1/4 Cup of Coconut Sugar

1/4 Cup of Coconut Milk

1/4 Cup of Avocado Oil

1 Tablespoon of Ground Cinnamon

1 Teaspoon of Vanilla Extract

1/2 Teaspoon of Baking Soda

1/4 Teaspoon of Sea Salt


Preheat your oven to 350° degrees F. In a food processor, add your diced zucchini and process to make crumbs. Add the eggs, and puree. Now, add the coconut sugar, avocado oil, cinnamon, coconut milk and vanilla. Process until creamy. Add the coconut flour, baking soda, and salt, and process for one minute. Finally, add all but two tablespoons of the goji berries and pulse just until combined.

Scoop the muffin batter into 12 muffin cups lined with muffin papers and sprinkle the remaining goji berries on top of the muffins. Bake in your preheated oven 25 to 35 minutes, or until the muffins spring back to the touch. Remove them from the oven, and cool five minutes in the pan before transferring to a cooling rack.


goji superfood muffins

Grain Free Superfood Muffins! Paleo, Dairy Free deliciousness!