Perfectly Posh Chunk Bars, Why You’ll Love Them and a Little Eye Glimmer for Autumn!

There is a lot I love about these bars! These super awesome Naturally based bath bars are called Chunks, because they are so big, you may need both hands!!!  The Shea Butter is luxurious, they are made with high quality skin loving ingredients, are cruelty free, fun, all different, and affordable! The Gender Bender Chunk is a charcoal based bar. It helps the skin detoxify free radical pollution and promotes clearer skin on the body. It has a crisp, woodsy, amber, citrus fragrance, and All the bars are tallow free.

gender bender

One of my favorite bars is Field Better Soon. It has real lavender in it, oats and lavender essential oils. It is the perfect soothing bar for sensitive skin, full of skin loving lipids and toning lavender.

Field Better Soon

Milking It Chunk has rejuvenating goat’s milk for sensitive skin, honey and oats. The glycerin base creates a moisture locking barrier on the skin, which is perfect for dry skin and winter months. It also contains honey, and smells divine!

Milking It

The You Could Use a Hug Chunk has Cat’s Claw in it for a gentle, natural exfoliation. It’s very gentle and feels good! I’ve been really loving the sensation in the shower, and it gets the old skin cells off and allows your moisturizer to penetrate that much better! It also contains Vitamin E rich cotton extract, and is Vegan.

You Could Use a Hug

Also two liquid shimmer eye shadows were just added! I just purchased the new Be So Gold Liquid Gold Shimmer Eye Shadow that was launched this month. I am wearing it below in a daytime subtle look. It can be applied over other eye shadow or on it’s own. It adds a beautiful shimmer that is perfect for Fall and the Holidays! To create a glamorous  eye, apply it over a smoky eye shadow! The other color available is silver glimmer called Silver Screen.

glare demo on me

If you shop with me this month, check out under my lip drawing for a chance to win a Free Latin Love Lip Balm! My consultant name at Perfectly Posh where you can find all these products is listed as Sandra Shields link here.  I can help you pick the best products for you, just shoot me a note below!

As always, thank you for choosing to me as your safer personal care consultant. I’m  happy to answer any questions you have and look forward to sharing more with you!

what is perfectly posh graphic

I am always interested to hear from you!