The Benefits of Sunlight!

benefits of sun

Spring is a time of renewal, and we are able to get outside so much more and enjoy the benefits of sunshine and fresh air! I would add to the list below, that sunshine can help with depression, children thrive and grow more in the Summer, our hair grows faster, sunlight kills bacteria, and benefits skin disorders such as eczema, acne, and fungal infections. It is especially beneficial to get outside in the mornings for sleep, because this sets our circadian rhythm, our internal body clock which tells us when to sleep, rise, eat, and go to bed.

I always sleep better in the Summer and on days when I am outside more. I have had my Vitamin D levels checked twice a year for several years, and I don’t have to supplement in the Summertime, because my levels go up due to the increased sunshine!!! I’m living proof straight from the lab that we absorb Vitamin D from the sun. My hair definitely grows faster in the Summer. Does yours? My children have all had big growth spurts in the Summer and always go back to school looking healthier, with rosy cheeks and a glow to their skin!

Remember to wear your sunscreen and spend no more than 15 minutes in the sun without it. Enjoy the benefits of our beautiful Sun!

Have a super day!
