Tag Archives: Positive Thoughts

Thought For Your Day! – Encouragement

Power Thoughts

Blessings and enjoy your day!

Sandra Shields, Certified Health Coach


Start Your Day with Positive Thoughts!

Happy Monday! Stay positive this week and see what happens!


Each time a negative thought comes in your mind, replace it with something you are grateful for. For instance replace “I am so tired, I can’t believe it is Monday” with “I am so grateful I have this whole day to live on this beautiful planet”. Jot down a daily note of what you did each day when you started down the negative thoughts road, and put a positive spin on your day. Then, look back on the week and note the difference it made!
Enjoy your week!
Sandra Shields, Health Coach

Start Your Day With Positive Thoughts and Intentions and Watch What Happens!

Positive Thoughts

Happy Monday Morning Beautiful People! Here is your Monday morning Healthy Living Tip:
It is so true that when we start out with the intention of being positive with our thoughts and ideas throughout the day it goes so much better for us! We also spread the energy to others!
Can you think of some people you just love to be with? Are those people happy and positive? It really does create a boomerang effect. It helps us be more creative when our minds are focused on a positive outcome. Good things happen when we can remain positive even in adversity.
This week I challenge you to start each morning when you wake up with three positive thoughts and an intention. If you slip during the day into a negative thought pattern, replace it with a positive thought. Over time, it will come naturally to you as you change the way your brain thinks, and this will be reflected in your day to day living and feelings of well being.

Enjoy your day!
Sandra Shields, Certified Health Coach
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