Tag Archives: Live Your Dreams

There is No Such Thing as Failure

No Such Thing as Failure

As long as you are living and breathing, there is no such thing as failure. There is always room for change, improvement, success, reached goals, healthier lifestyle, that new thing you always wanted to happen but it just didn’t for whatever reason.

To stay on track with changes you want to make in your life it can be helpful to find an accountability partner, keep your eye on the goal, surround yourself with people and things that inspire you, make a Vision Board and put it where you can see it every day, make a list of steps you can take to implement your success. Keep adding and changing things on your vision board as you grow, change and get closer to your dream (great article on how to make one and why they work!) , have a calendar dedicated to steps you are taking daily and give yourself a sticker on the days you do well. Don’t quit. Keep going. Believe that you can!

Everyone has as least one thing at any given point in their lives that they would like to change or do. Things like stronger relationships, being a better …………., making a move, overcoming fear of ………………….., more energy, improved health, eating healthier, health challenges, career and many more.

I have completely changed many areas in my life. Many times when I was stuck, it was because I needed to move forward even though I was afraid of making a mistake or failure of what the future would hold. The alternative to moving forward is staying where we are in our lives and never fully realizing our potential.

On another note, you know I am a huge fan of getting in those vegetables! Here I am holding a beautiful bouquet of Kale! I made this into delicious Pizza Kale Chips or you could make Cheesy Kale Chips! Click on them to get the recipe from my recipe index. A delicious way to get in your greens! If you don’t have a food dehydrator (kale chips are just not the same when made in the oven), consider making the purchase, or swap out your junk food craving for purchased kale chips.

Kale Bouquet soon to be Kale Chips!

Kale Bouquet soon to be Kale Chips!


Have a wonderful, adventurous, courageous day!

Eat Your Nutrients!

Eat Your Nutrients!





Are You Living Your Dreams or Just Chugging Along?

You Always Find a Way for That Which is Important to You

What is important to you that you have been struggling with? What is one step you could take today?

Maybe it is prayer, brainstorming with someone, reaching out and asking for help. creating a Vision Board, or setting a schedule and sticking to it, revamping your budget, going back to school, a lifestyle change, signing up for a fitness class, cleaning out your pantry of food that no longer serves you. Is there a time when something seemed impossible and you found a way? Health Coaches help people reach their goals and support you in individual and group programs.

Have a beautiful day, and live the life you have been given. There is know one like you!

Sign up for my free monthly newsletter on my website (sandrashieldshealthcoach.com) for more tips and inspiration.

Perfect Shouldn’t Be The Enemy of Good

Just Picked Organic Strawberries

Just Picked Organic Strawberries

Perfect Shouldn’t Be The Enemy of Good.
Let’s take these strawberries as an example. They are small, local, and full of flavor berries picked fresh and ripe from the vine. They haven’t traveled miles to get to you before you eat them. Some might consider them perfection and some might not. Maybe they are too small or not pretty enough. They have some blemishes. They also are full of flavor and vitamins and taste really, really strawberry-ish. I actually prefer them, but I still eat organic berries that have traveled when these are not available. Which kind do you prefer? Whichever kind you prefer, would you refuse to eat a strawberry unless you could get strawberries during strawberry season? How about vegetables? Would you never eat vegetables unless they were perfect from your own garden? That would deprive you of all the necessary, glorious benefits of vegetables for months. You may like to eat local and seasonal, and that’s ok. It’s great!
What’s my point? Do we choose perfection in our lives, and if something can’t be perfect, do we toss the idea, action, or life choice to the side and forget it? If so, are you missing out and holding yourself to such a high standard that you aren’t progressing in your life as you would like?
Maybe it is beginning something you have wanted to do, and you put it off, and put if off, because the time isn’t perfect, or something needs to happen before it is the perfect time.
If you decide to step out and do it anyway, whether it is starting to eat better, an exercise program, a job change or new career, cutting out the processed food, losing weight, working on a health concern, learning to cook healthier, asking for help, healing a relationship, taking time for spirituality, slowing down, speeding up, whatever is something in your life that you would like to address….Do it now! Don’t wait for everything to be perfect. One baby step at a time is sometimes all it takes to start propelling you forward in the direction you want to go. Step out in faith without fear and begin! Good is well, good! It is excellent, fantastic, positive, superb and marvelous! So go ahead. Get started! It doesn’t have to be perfect.
To work with me, contact me at sandrashieldshealthcoach.com
Or email me at: sandrashieldshealthcoach@gmail.com for more information