Tag Archives: Healthy Skin

Benefits of Oranges and Get Some Egg On Your Face! Healthy Food Tips and Natural Skin Care!

orange benefits

Did you know the smell of orange can reduce stress by up to 70%? You know that smell when you first start peeling an orange and you get that burst of citrus? Oooo, that smells oh so good!!!ย ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
There are many benefits to eating oranges. We all know about the Vitamin C. But, oranges are also rich in fiber (17% of your daily allowance is in one large orange), and they can also improve heart health. Studies have also shown that the flavonoids may preserve brain health. Oranges enhance immunity, digestion, and skin health! They are full of other micronutrients too, like folate, potassium, and thiamine, and it’s no secret that the antioxidants in oranges in skin care has pretty impressive results like anti-aging, anti-wrinkle, UV protection, and decreasing age spots! Ask me which Posh products have loads of orange in them!ย 

citrus 2
Oranges are low in calories, but you won’t get the same benefits by drinking orange juice. The fiber in the whole orange slows down absorption of sugar into the bloodstream, so make sure you go for the whole orange.ย ๐ŸŠ

Sandy wit Orange Pillow

I’m really enjoying how this new Egg On Your Face with Korean skin care technology cleanser is making my skin look and feel!!! Awesome!!!!ย ๐Ÿ‘๐ŸŒบ๐ŸŒˆ
It is a very nourishing cleanser that is great for sensitive skin and formulated for all skin types.
This is a Wonderful Winter cleanser that gently washes away toxins, makeup, dirt, and excess oil while it adds Poshbiotics to your face! What is that????ย ๐Ÿค”ย Well, Poshbiotics is a proprietary blend by Perfectly Posh of pre and probiotics, milk and eggs that soothes, smoothes, and balances pH. I’ve noticed more even skin tone and a softer smoother complexion. It comes in a nice 4 oz. tube and smells very lovely!!! It’s a top notch way to pamper your face!ย ๐Ÿงšโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿงšโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿงšโ€โ™€๏ธ

egg on your face

If you are ready to reap the benefits of orange and eggs in your skin care, head on over to Perfectly Poshย where I am a consultant. I appreciate your business so much, and I am here to help you find your perfect products! They are a natural based skin care company who specializes in pampering without toxic ingredients. Have a wonderful day!!!

Orange Based Posh Skin Care